Dan Caplin

Dan Caplin

Director, Cyber Security

Daniel is Head of S-RM’s European Incident Response practice. He has led the engagements for over 400 cyber response matters across various sizes of organisations and has a deep knowledge of the cyber insurance sector. He leads S-RM’s post incident review projects to support loss adjusting, which has included project managing a highly contentious 18-month investigation into a large insurance claim.

Daniel has almost 10 years’ experience leading projects for clients across the legal, financial services, oil, and gas industries. Prior to joining S-RM’s Cyber Security team, he worked on the Latin America desk of S-RM’s Corporate Intelligence department based out of the Rio de Janeiro office, where he led on projects investigating fraud, corruption, and reputational issues for S-RM’s clients. Before joining S-RM, Dan worked in the British Consulate in São Paulo and the Peruvian Embassy in London.

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