Dominik Wilk

Dominik Wilk

Associate, Corporate Intelligence

Dominik is an associate on the Europe desk at S-RM's London office. He joined S-RM's APAC team in 2018 and worked on numerous public record- and human source-led reports focused on PRC state-owned companies and their international investments though the Belt and Road initiative. For the last two years, Dominik has been a member of the Europe team, and currently manages cases focused on Portugal, Central and Eastern Europe, and Scandinavia.

Dominik holds a bachelor's degree in Asian Studies and a master's degree in Law from Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. Prior to joining S-RM, he spent a year studying Chinese at Yunnan University in Kunming, China. Dominik is a native Polish speaker, and also speaks Swedish, Chinese, and Portuguese.

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