
Our client platform seamlessly managing project workflows

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Our client platform, Portal, ensures safe, secure and efficient management of all your projects with S-RM – including those with complex or sensitive information.

From project initiation to completion Portal ensures you spend less time searching through emails and more time focusing on critical decisions.

Why choose Portal

Clients all around the world use Portal to optimise their workflows and save time. 

Simple setup

The last thing clients need is another complex online tool. Portal has been designed to make it easy to get up and running, and integrate into existing processes.

Faster workflow

Portal makes it simple to request reports, track their progress, receive notifications of key milestones, and communicate directly with our team, all within one system.

Clear process

Portal streamlines your process, ensures the key steps are always taken, and provides a record for audit and assurance.

Increased security

All key information can be stored in Portal’s encrypted environment, from background information to the final report, creating a more secure compliance workflow

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Key features

Report dashboard: view upcoming deadlines, completed reports, and key metrics such as spend, report volume, and regional breakdown. 

Comprehensive search: filter and sort projects to stay on top of upcoming deadlines and quotes, and easily find completed reports.   

Alerts and notifications: keep track of all your projects by receiving alerts and notifications as each stage is completed.

Projects and groups: organise your work by adding your colleagues to projects so you all receive the same notifications and messages. You can also restrict access to sensitive projects by limiting group membership.

Support and training: we provide ongoing training and helpdesk support to ensure you make the most of Portal. 

Speak to our team

Our technology experts are here to ensure you leverage the all the benefits of Portal.